That grabbed your attention!
Skills West have been listening to partners feedback and thinking hard about how to communicate what we are finding out in companies. From next week we are starting 3 new ways to update you & keep you informed with whats going on.
1. Provider Weekly Referral Update: every Monday, Julia Gurr - Employability Coordinator will be briefly updating you with all the referrals we have had through. An overview of;
what types of referrals our advisers have received
what we have been able to match with provision locally
what we have NOT been able to match with provision locally
what core training needs are coming down through the advisers
This is to help you understand what data and intel is coming down through the region and how you might want to adjust your curriculum delivery strategically. We hope to also start to identify clusters of need for you.
2. Provider Weekly Pledge/Employability Update: this will be published alongside the 'referral update' on a Monday.
what types of pledges have been received
what sectors
what is available
what requests have come in
This is to connect you to businesses with offers but also for you to understand the types of offers that businesses are willing to commit too.
3. Skills Pulse - monthy update: every month Leyla Eroglu our Intelligence Executive, will publish an concise overview of intelligence and data we have collated in the previous month. This will help you understand need in the region, pain points for business related to training and talent development and what the national picture look like.Each month we will focuses on:
what types of pledges in what sectors have been received
a monthly focus e.g. Employability, Training needs, Core skills, Employability challenges
Brief Sector Overviews covering;
- Most requested courses- Key emerging issues- Key findings for training provider
Key events and good news
If you would like to find out more do get in touch with me nicky.williams@businesswest.co.uk