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Pledge your unspent apprenticeship levy

The #ShareToSupport fund is calling on large employers to pledge their unspent apprenticeship levy to support the recovery of small businesses across the West of England.


If you are working within a large business – those with a payroll over £3m who contribute to the Apprenticeship Levy – then we want to help you realise the potential of your levy. We know that whilst millions raised by the Apprenticeship Levy is currently going unspent in the West of England, small businesses have been hit disproportionately by Covid-19. By passing on a proportion of your levy, your business can support job creation and progression opportunities in the region by funding training in smaller companies, including those in your supply chain and sector.






Through the apprenticeship levy transfer scheme we will work with you to identify how your apprenticeship levy could be used to support your wider business objectives. This could include:


  • Supporting small businesses within your supply chain

  • Developing skills for small businesses in your industry

  • Furthering your corporate social responsibility strategy

  • Supporting job creation and progression opportunities in the region


Once you have made a pledge to the #ShareToSupport fund our team will help your business:


  • Identify small businesses to match you with

  • Guide you through the process of transferring your levy


Get in touch with us to find out more and discuss how your business could get involved in #ShareToSupport:



The Share to Support Fund is coordinated by the Western Training Provider Network and supported by the West of England Combined Authority as part of the Workforce for the Future programme. Workforce for the Future is an £8m programme – co-funded by the West of England Combined Authority and the European Social Fund (ESF) which supports small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with workforce planning.  Find out more information about Workforce for the Future here. â€‹




Why should my company consider levy transfer?


SMEs have been hit disproportionally by the impact of Covid-19. With over 45,000 SMEs in the West of England it’s key that they can access the skills and training they need to support the region’s recovery. Between approximately £4m-£8m of investment in training each year is lost to the West of England and returned to the Treasury. This presents an opportunity for large employers to connect with smaller businesses to drive recovery and growth in the region.


How much can my business transfer?

Levy-paying employers can transfer up to 25% of their annual levy funds. The transfer will take place through your business’ account on The Apprenticeship Service.


What will the money be used to fund?

Levy funds transferred via the Share to Support scheme will be used to cover the costs of apprenticeship training for SMEs based in the West of England.


What else do I need to know?

  • Funds are paid monthly for the duration of the Apprenticeship

  • Sending and receiving employers need to be registered on The Apprenticeship Service

  • The transfer can only be used to pay for training and assessment for Apprenticeships

  • Only levy-paying employers can transfer funds


I am an SME. How can I access funding through the Share to Support fund?

If you are a small to medium sized business, and do not currently pay the Apprenticeship Levy, you could be getting help with funding to train apprentices, either new or existing staff in your organisation. Get in touch with us to register your interest:






The Share to Support Fund is coordinated by the Western Training Provider Network and supported by the West of England Combined Authority as part of the Workforce for the Future programme. Workforce for the Future is an £8m programme – co-funded by the West of England Combined Authority and the European Social Fund (ESF) – the free service works with small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Through one to one support the programme is helping businesses to identify ways to stabilise, grow, adapt and understand the skills and training needs required to meet their business goals. Find out more information about Workforce for the Future here. 

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