WTPN Members
WPTN Membership Benefits
WTPN members are entitled to the following opportunities and benefits as part of their WTPN membership:
Email, alerts, news and blogs of information and updates on learning, training, personal development and funding initiatives.
Up to 2 places, including lunch at network meetings (minimum of 4 a year), providing presentations by agencies/key stakeholders on topical subjects and issues for example, the Education & Skills Funding Agency and the Local Enterprise Partnership/Combined authority (LEP/WECA).
New members presentation at the next available Provider Network Meeting.
Opportunities to raise your profile and make useful business connections through a variety of networking events and activities eg network meetings, collaborative projects etc.
Participation in WTPN “subgroups’ eg Peer Review groups, workshops.
Listing on the members’ page of the WTPN website.
Opportunities for collaborative projects with other members and other stakeholders eg marketing campaigns such as the 100 in 100 days Apprenticeship Campaign, careers events, ‘Meet the Provider’ project etc.
Involvement in collaborative funding applications eg Skills West. We have been key partner in a collaborative 2 year skills project with Business West.
Locally organised training/continuous professional development events, often at low or no cost e.g. Ofsted Nominee workshop, Auditing Workshop, Designated Lead Safeguarding Training.
Opportunity for bulk purchasing.
Representation by the WTPN at local and regional groups and with key stakeholders e.g. Local Enterprise Partnership, West of England Combined Authority, Local Authority Learning Partnerships, Education & Skills Funding Agency, South West Training Provider Network, AELP etc.
If you would like to discuss membership of the network please get in touch below.