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How do I sign up or login to the forum?


You will find a login / sign up button at the top right hand side of the webpage,  Simply click on one of the option to login or sign up.  You may choose to sign up to a new account with us or use social login..  Please also read the Terms and Condition once you have logged in.  It is located at the top of the forum page above your profile icon.

User Guide Q&A


How do I manage my account?


You may click on the profile picture icon, where you can edit the profile, notification setting or logout.


Where do I being?


Start from going into any of the 6 categories on the forum homepage that is relative or of interest to you..  â€‹A "View category" button will appear when you move your mouse cursor closer to the description of each category.  Click on the button to enter the forum and view a list of posts.  


Click on the post title to view its content or add a new post by clicking "Create new post".  You may also follow, share or report post by clicking on the drop down menu with the 3 dots icon.  


To add a new post is relatively straight forwards.  Simply type in the title, content before you press publish.  You may also choose to upload an image or video with your post.  You'll be notified with any updates or responds from other members when they engage or reply to your post.


How can I get engaged with an existing post?


Once you are in a post, you may choose to respond their post.  Simply type in the title, content before you press publish.  You may also choose to upload an image or video with your post.  You may also choose to share the post on your social media of your choosing.  If you wish to follow the post and get the latest updates and responds, click on the drop down menu with the 3 dots to follow.  Once you have followed a particular post, any new updates or responds will be sent to your email inbox.  You'll also get a notification when you next sign in. to the forum.


How can I make sure I dont miss out on the latest post without login to the forum on the daily basis?​


Click on the drop down menu with the 3 dots on the category you are interested in, you'll see "follow category". button  Click on it and you'll get a email notification with new posts deliver to your laptop or mobile phone.  We strong encourage our members to use this feature and get engage with the conversations!


Can I follow a particular member and their post?


If you are particular interest in a member and would like to follow all the posts in the forum regardless the category.  Click on the members sign locate next to your profile image.  Here you'll find a list of all the forum member which you may search or sort members accordingly.  Simply click on the "follow" button to follow.  You'll also be able to see who you are currently following.  


If you have any other question which hast been answered on the above, or experiencing any difficulty navigation the forum, simply get in touch with Alex Richards at the contact form below.  

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