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CIPD Employer Survey Results on the Levy Introduction

The UK Government’s apprenticeships reform and the introduction of the apprenticeship levy has meant fundamental shifts to the funding model with new implications for how employers interact with the apprenticeship system. But how have employers responded to these changes since the levy’s rollout in April 2017? see survey results here VERY IMPORTANT - GDPR - Are you ready and further resource Practical resources and advice to help you prepare for the new GDPR legislation, which replaces the Data Protection Act and will come into effect in May 2018.

Assistance for colleges, universities and other higher education institutions in understanding some of the key changes

A quick guide to the law around how colleges, universities and other learning providers collect and use information

video here Worried you aren’t prepared for new data protection laws coming into effect next May? Haven’t managed to catch one of the JISC free online briefings on the subject? Don’t panic! Jisc have made a recording on the subject. Jisc free training here

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