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Partner Briefing Programme (Bristol City)

Dear partner agency, Distribution (in alphabetical order): Advice Centres For Avon (ACFA), Bristol City Council, Bristol Housing Partnership, DWP Advice Agencies Forum, DWP Bristol Partnership Directory, Golden Key & Ways-to-Work Network. On the 8th December I wrote on behalf of Bristol City Council & DWP to provide an update on Universal Credit and our intent to design a UC Partner Briefing Programme. I write today to announce the completion of that work and attach a copy of the programme. Preparing for Universal Credit: Partner Briefing Programme (Bristol City) I am pleased to announce that a local partnership approach has been agreed between Advice Centres For Avon (ACFA), Bristol City Council, DWP, Golden Key and Shelter. Partners have worked together to identify information needs, learning objectives and content to ensure all partners across Bristol City are fully briefed, feel confident about UC and can support claimants through the changes ahead. Please find attached the full eight module programme including module summaries and Eventbrite booking links Train-the-Trainer approach We do not have the capacity to train all frontline service delivery staff & volunteers across all partner organisations. Delegate lists will be closely moderated by Shelter, an independent charitable organisation, to ensure all organisations benefit from the programme. We request you identify ONE trainer from your organisation to participate in the programme and share their learning internally for all your staff/volunteers. Geography Due to the limited number of spaces available this programme of events is exclusively for organisations supporting residents in the Bristol City Council area. Conclusion This comprehensive programme, coupled with the City Hall briefings on 2nd & 6th March, will ensure that all partners are fully briefed and can support claimants through the changes ahead, ensuring a safe delivery of Universal Credit in Bristol. Kind regards Mike Warner Bristol Partnership Manager | Work Services Directorate | Department for Work and Pensions | Avon, Severn and Thames District | Horfield Jobcentre | 1-15 Monks Park Avenue | Horfield | Bristol | BS7 0UD | Mobile 07917 594515 | South Glos DWP As discussed at the Advice Agency Forum today, I am in the process of collating an up to date contacts list of organisations, to ensure I include them in future communications in relation to briefing sessions I will be holding in relation to Universal Credit Full Service rollout for the South Gloucestershire area. To support my efforts, could you share a communication through the Ways2Work network asking for any Advice Agencies and other partner organisations who support residents living within the South Gloucestershire area to email me their contact details (organisations name, contact name, email address and contact telephone number). It would be helpful if they could note in the subject line ‘South Gloucestershire provider-contact details’. Kind regards Lesley Lesley Gavin | Partnership Manager for South Gloucestershire | Department for Work and Pensions | Avon, Severn and Thames District | Work Services Directorate | 39 South Parade, Yate, Bristol BS37 4BB Phone 01454 848493 | Mobile 07824 354280 | Please think of the environment before printing My working days are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

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