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ESFA Update Information: non-levy apprenticeship performance-management point

Now that many colleagues have started their holidays, the ESFA have opened the Non Levy allocation growth window,(which is always helpful to do it in the holidays), here is the detail for you, it opened last week…

You are now able to submit growth requests for your 16 to 18 and adult non-levy apprenticeship contract for the 2018 to 2019 funding year. Please send your completed growth request forms to Provider.PerformanceManagement@Education.GOV.UK and your provider manager before 5pm on Friday 3 August. Any growth awarded will be from August 2018 to March 2019 and will be subject to available budget. For this growth exercise, we will be using the ILR R12 data returns (due 6 August). Therefore, please ensure that your R12 ILR returns are accurate and complete. For further information, please refer to version 6 of the apprenticeship funding and performance-management rules for training providers or contact your provider manager. Information: industry placements - capacity and delivery fund (CDF) for 2019 to 2020 for 16 to 19 providers not in receipt of CDF in 2018 to 2019 academic year We have published information explaining the arrangements for 16 to 19 providers applying to deliver industry placements through the CDF in 2019 to 2020 academic year.

This information is for those providers that did not receive an allocation of CDF in 2018 to 2019 academic year. We have written to eligible providers outlining the process. If you think you are eligible to apply for this funding and have not received a letter via email, please contact us through our online contact form. Apprenticeship funding bands Sets out the funding bands that will apply for existing apprenticeship frameworks and apprenticeship standards. FE Choices FE Choices provides comparable information to help learners and employers make informed choices about education and training. Learner and employer satisfaction data: information for providers ESFA learner and employer satisfaction data provide comparable information to help learners and employers make informed choices about education and training ESFA funding claims and reconciliation Information for education and skills training providers on submitting a funding claim to the ESFA for 2017 to 2018. 5:26pm, 18 July 2018: We have amended the date providers can submit (if applicable) an exception case following the final claim process to 21 December 2018. We have also brought forward the date any reconciliation clawback/payment will be actioned from to December 2018 ESFA: course directory The course directory contains information on courses offered by learning providers who are contracted with the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA). Individualised Learner Record (ILR): check that data is accurate Information about the Funding Information System (FIS), to help further education (FE) providers validate ILR data. Latest Apprenticeship Vacancies Banes, Bristol, North Somerset, South Glos,

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