WTPN Summer Quarterly Meeting - 23rd June 2022
A big thank you to all those who attended our Summer quarterly network meeting on yesterday at Engineer's House, Clifton. It was a lively, very busy room, lots of great discussion....
Thanks to our guest speakers Fiona Chalk (who bravely presented on line after catching Covid), Henry Lawes WECA, Claire Arberry WofE IOT and Beverly Walker ESFA/DfE.
We'd also like to give a warm welcome to our two newest network members Didac and Educationwise who both came along for their first quarterly meeting.
Finally, a huge thanks to Pat Mcleod resinging as a Director of the WTPN after 10yrs, a real stretch, and a valued opinion in the boardroom. Thankyou from all of us!
We hope to see you again at our next meeting this Autumn! 15th September 2022 Engineers House
Alex Richards, Director of the Western Training Provider Network
Please see PowerPoint presentations from today's session below, which are available to download:
