The agenda for the WTPN Autumn Quarterly which is being held again at Engineers House Clifton is jus
We are fortunate to be joined by industry expert Hilary Read delivering her views and ideas on teaching and learning with the new reforms...
'Meet The Provider' invites have gone out to School CEIAG's
Learner leaders, Heads and Dept Heads as well as many other advsiers and influencers of young people post 16, the booking form is here...
West of England Combined Authority Strategy
As you are all aware the WECA is being formed as we speak, a new regional Mayor and officers have been appointed and a strategy for the...
Learner Data Returns and Data Sharing Agreement - Important return of data sharing agreement require
In order for Local Authorities (LAs) to meet their statutory duties around tracking young peoples’ ‘participation in learning’, Local...
Leadership and Management Training……….something different, simple and transformative!
I have been contacted by Lynne Philp who many of you will remember (she led the Network for a number of years). She has asked me to let...

Future Apprenticeship Toolkit Updated
The DfE/ETF Future Apprenticeships Toolkit has just been updated to include the latest policy, practice and tools. The toolkit is a...
Proud to Care South Gloucestershire
South Gloucestershire have joined authorities across the South West in supporting a new campaign that raises the profile of care, and the...