From the last Quarterly WTPN Masterclass Workshops set up for members
Inspection Nominee Training Free for Members book here Thursday 25 January (full day) This session is aimed...
Apprenticeships - Non Levy Procurement
This we realise has caused pain.....Over 300 providers Nationally were unable to bid and 200 were excluded through pro rata of allocation....

New Proud to Care jobs board for Bristol
New Proud to Care jobs board for Bristol A new online jobs board to help local people find roles in adult care has been launched by...
Dynamic Purchasing System for the Provision of Work Focused Activities
DEPARTMENT FOR WORK AND PENSIONS The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) intends to establish a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) to...

The National Careers Strategy was published by Govt in December, if you haven't seen it yet and feel it could be relevant, here is a...