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From the last Quarterly WTPN Masterclass Workshops set up for members

Inspection Nominee Training Free for Members book here Thursday 25 January (full day) This session is aimed at new providers or new nominees. It is also good CPD for managers who want to enhance their understanding of the inspection process. The session will include:

  • Understanding key aspects of the updated September 2017 Common Inspection Framework including priorities and themes

  • The expectations and role of the nominee before and during the inspection process

  • Key evidence required to help prepare the provider for a short notice inspection including the role and importance of self-assessment

  • The key inspection activities and what inspection looks for including teaching, learning and assessment, safeguarding, equality and diversity and data

Peer to Peer Workshop Friday 9 February (1/2 day) Free workshop book here This half day workshop is for staff who wish to engage in ‘peer to peer support’ activities with other providers to share good practice or benchmark provision. Led by Edd Brown, this session will provide attendees with different models of peer to peer support and collaborative learning. This will include how to structure a review of a provider. Introduction to Middle Management Friday 9 March (full day) This session is aimed at new middle managers who have no experience of management and may have recently been promoted. The session will combine basic management techniques but the main focus will be on how to manage provision. This will include how to make staff accountable and take ownership of their programmes, how to hold difficult conversations, prioritising time and activities that have the biggest impact on improving quality and learners’ outcomes. This one day training course will be £65.00 for WTPN members, £90.00 for non members Please contact me here if this course is of interest Quality Improvement Approaches Friday 20 April (full day) This training is aimed at all staff involved in quality improvement and assurance. The session will look at key quality related systems and activities and will include the role of observations/learning walks, work scrutiny and the importance of self-assessment and quality improvement plans. This one day training course will be £65.00 for WTPN members, £90.00 for non members please contact me here if this course is of interest Powerpoint slides from the meeting are below Institute of Apprenticeship presentation Cognisses -Meeting Sponsor presentation Closing the skills gap and helping students find the right path NHS BNSSG - Education and Transformation Training Group presentation ESFA presentation Funding - The Flexible learning fund i spoke about at the last meeting has a workshop next Tuesday, if you haven't booked on already (it's full at present) and you would like more detail please let me know. As discussed at the last Quarterly, the window for bids closes on the 31st January but we do have support for bid and idea development if you need it but you need to get in contact now.....

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