WTPN Autumn Quarterly meeting

Second is our Autumn WTPN Quarterly meeting, it’s at Engineers House again, 9.00am – 1.30pm and it’s on Thursday 20th September, please book here as soon as you can so I can get the catering numbers arranged. Chris Jones from Ofsted has promised to make it this time, along with the Apprenticeship Ambassadors and we have Heather Frankham founder of Lifetime Training speaking about how to grow a Training provider which should be very interesting. Heather started Lifetime training in 1995 and grew it to become one of the largest training providers in the UK, it will be fascinating to hear some insights from her. Henry Lawes from WECA is coming back with more Combined Authority skills news and Nicky Williams is bringing along some LMI from the LEP commissioned annual skills survey. Other speakers are being confirmed now.