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Leadership and Management Training……….something different, simple and transformative!

I have been contacted by Lynne Philp who many of you will remember (she led the Network for a number of years). She has asked me to let you know about her latest transformative courses... There’s probably no better time than now for people working in the training and education sector to learn the art of “independent thinking”.

This is a concept based on the principle that “everything we do or decide, depends on the quality of the thinking we do first”. It follows, that if we improve the quality of our thinking and the thinking of the people we interact with, then decisions, actions and results will naturally improve, sometimes dramatically. Given the challenges facing the sector, the more we can do to equip and resource ourselves to improve the environment we all work in; transform the quality of our thinking and the learn behaviours which engage, empower and respect each and every person we work with, the better! Lynne Philp, Management and Leadership Coach, who specialises in helping organisations create environments for people to thrive in, is inviting WTPN members to attend an introductory course to “Independent thinking” on 4th, 5th October and 9th November in Bristol. If you’re intrigued and would like to know more, please call Lynne on 0782 4662733 or email her at

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